Online-Action-Library /
Intro / Installation & Workshop /
Performance: Photos / Video. |
The result: a constant flow of social networking activity, enacted by new visual, gestural and performative video interpretations by the audience.
The first projection showed the display of the audience submitted video material based on the current "terminology" per website. The second projection displayed the most used online activity per website. Both of these "info streams" were interpreted alternately by the two dancers. The third input stream showed the interaction by the live audience, which was invited to create their videos "on the fly" in response to the live performance... which closed the circle of performer/stage and audience. The collage of these information streams and dance movements became a social media enactment staged within an audience-driven theater; a performative new-media commentary on our social behavior online. >> Below are some photos from interACTicons, live! at transmediale.11 - Click on thumbnails to enlarge. |
Credits: Concept/Idea/Installation Layout/Sound/Web Design/Web Code: Ursula Endlicher Dancers: Andrea Jane Dispenziere, Regina Sobel Database/CMS Programming/interACTicons Film-Station Application: David Farine interACTicons Film-Station metal interface display: Lee Day The performance interACTicons, live! took place at the Cafe Stage at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin. |
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